
2013년 12월 31일 화요일

Asteroid belt(1)History

Sorry. In Christmas week, I was so busy so I couldn't posted on blog.

Between the Mars and the Jupiter, there are many asteroid. So this zone called "Asteroid belt". They are about 2.2AU~3.2AU from the Sun. Most of astronomers think asteriods were some dwarf planets. Those dwarf planets' size were maybe simillar or smaller than the Moon. Maybe the Jupiter's gravity disturbance creation of one planet. Many asteroids were made by crash of many dwarf planets.

1.How do asteroid belt was discovered?

Giuseppe Piazzi found one planet at 1801. This planet was about 2.8AU(predicted by Bode's law) from the Sun, and its orbital period is about 4.6years. This planet was so samll. The Moon's radius is 5times bigger than this planet. This planet was named by Ceres, the goddess of Sicily. And Heinrich Olbers found Pallas in 1802. Juno was found at 1804 and Vesta was found at 1807. And many small planets were discoverd. At 1872, about 100 small planets were discovered. Those planets are so small, so planets that radius is bigger than 100AU are only 33. Those planets started called by asteroid, and this zone was called "Asteroid belt"


2013년 12월 26일 목요일

Mars' atmosphere characteristic

 The Mars has a thin atmosphere. Almost of atmosphere was go away because of sunlight. So greenhouse effect couldn't accured in the Mars. Liquid water was go away so the Mars became cold desert. Let's learn about its atmosphere's characteristic.

Surface pressure:0.636Kpa
Pressure is so slight that Mars' mountains could become tall. In the Mars, there are fast dust storm, but its power may feel like Earth's breeze.

95.32% carbon dioxide
2.7% nitrogen
1.6% argon
0.13% oxygen
0.08% carbon monoxide
210 ppm water vapor
100 ppm nitric oxide
15 ppm molecular hydrogen
2.5 ppm neon
850 ppb HDO
300 ppb krypton
130 ppb formaldehyde
80 ppb xenon
18 ppb hydrogen peroxide
10 ppb methane
Most of atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Water exists tiny vapor. The Mars' sky is very clean. There are clouds but it can't rain.

2013년 12월 21일 토요일

Red planet, the Mars(1)orbit and physical

 In the sky, there is a star that brights red. It is planet, the Mars.
The planet MarsIn the 1920s, people believed Martians are exist. Because people think the Mars' canyon a canal. But Martians(that we can saw) don't exist. But once a go, many scientists think that life  lived in the Mars. Presence of Martian attract many people's curiosity. Let's learn about Mars' characteristic. The Mars is so exciting, so there will be 2or3 posts about Mars.

1.Mars' orbital characteristic
The Mars is about 1.6AU from the Sun.(http://travelingcosmos.blogspot.kr/2013/12/bodes-law.html
Mars is located in goldilocks zone, but it is too cold. It's orbit is almostly ellipse. It's orbit isn't simillar to circle.

Aphelion:249,209,300 km(1.665 861 AU)
Prehelion:206,669,000 km(1.381 497 AU)

The Mars' orbital period is less than 2 times of 1 year. Mars' day is called "sol" Sol is simillar to 1 day.

Orbital period:686.971days
Rotation period:24h 37m

2.Mars' physical characteristic

Mars' land is simillar to the Earth, but Mars is much smaller than the Earth.

Mass:6.4185×1023 kg(0.107 Earths)
Volume:1.6318×1011 km(0.151 Earths)
Surface area:144,798,500 km2(0.284 Earths)Polar Radius:3,376.2 ± 0.1 km(0.531 Earths)
Euqatorial Radius:3396 km(0.533 Earths)
Mean density:3.9335  g/cm³
Surface gravity:0.376 g


2013년 12월 20일 금요일

Bode's law

 We learn about the Mercury, Venus and the Earth. If you want to memorize sun to planets' distance, you should know  Bode's law. Bode is astronomer that discover this law.

Let's know about planets' orbit's radius. It can apply to only Mercury to Uranus.


Let's ride those radius.

Let's multiply 10 to those numbers.

Let's take out 4 in those numbers.


Where is 24? In 2.8AU from the sun, there is asteriod belt. Uranus is discovered by this law


2013년 12월 19일 목요일

Warm planet, the Venus

 After  sunset and before sunrise we can see bright planet, the Venus. Venus is very beautiful. So this planet is named because Venus is Greek and Roman's mythology's the most beautiful goddess. The Venus' surface is very hot. It is 480° C. But its surface isn't beautiful. The Venus and the Earth's physical characteristic is simillar, so they called twin planets. Let's learn about Earth's sister Venus.

Venus in approximately true colour, a nearly uniform pale cream, although the image has been processed to bring out details.[1] The planet's disc is about three-quarters illuminated. Almost no variation or detail can be seen in the clouds.

1.Venus' orbital characteristic

The venus is closer from the sun than the Earth. Venus is about 0.7AU from the Sun. So its hot.

Aphelion:108,939,000 km(0.728AU)

Venus' orbital period is 224.701days. But its rotation period is bigger than its orbital period. Venus' rotation period is about  243days. And Venus rotate unusually. Every planets rotate east to west, but Venus rotate west to east. If you live in the Venus, you can see sun rest in west.  And it tilts very small, so it doesn't have season.

Orbital period:224.701days
Rotation period:243.018days
Axial tilt:177.36°

2.Venus' physical characteristic

The Venus' mass and volume and surface area and surface gravity is simmilar to the Earth. That's the reason that the Venus called "The Earth's sister"

Surface area:4.60×108 km2 (0.902 Earths)
Volume:9.28×1011 km3 (0.866 Earths)Mass: 4.8676×1024 kg (0.815 Earths) Surface gravity:8.87 m/s2 (0.904 Earths)

Venus is very hot. And venus has greenhouse effect, so Venus is hotter than Mercury

Mean temperature:737K
Maximum temperature:773K

3.Venus' atmosphere's characteristic

 Venus has large atmosphere. So we can't see Venus' surface. We can see only cloud. Surface pressure is 92bar. And its 96.5% is carbon dioxide. So we can know greenhouse effect occured in the Venus.

Surface pressure: 92bar


96.5% carbon dioxide
3.5% nitrogen
0.015% sulfur dioxide
0.007% argon
0.002% water vapour
0.0017% carbon monoxide
0.0012% helium
0.0007% neon


2013년 12월 18일 수요일

The fastest planet, the Mercury.

 The Mercury is the closest planet from the sun. So powerful sunlight eclipse the Mercury, so we watching the Mercury is very hard and dangerous. This fast planet named "Mercury" because Mercury is the fastest god in Greek and Roman mythology. Mercury is simillar with moon. Because it has no atmosphere and it is desert like moon. Let's learn about the Mercury.

1.Mercury's orbital characteristic

 The Mercury is close from sun. The Mercury is about 46001272km to 69817079km from the Sun. The mercury's orbit is ellipse. It is not simillar to circle.


It's orbital period is about 88 days. It's rotation period is 58 days.

2.Mercury's physical characteristic

The mercury is very samll. It's surface area is 0.147 x Earth's surface area. And its volume is 0.056 x Earth's volume. And its mass is 0.055 x Earth. But its mean density isn't samll. Its mean density is 5.427 g/cm3  So it doesn't have enough gravity that it can't have enough atmosphere. So it changed desert like moon.
Mercury in color - Prockter07 centered.jpg

Volume:6.083×1010 km3
Mass:3.3022×1023 kg
Surface area:7.48×107 km2
Mean density:5.427 g/cm3

And it doesn't occurs greenhouse effect on the Mercury, so the Mercury's night is very cold.

Night mean temperature:103K
Mean temperature:440K
Day mean temperature:623K

3.Mercury's atmosphere

 It has a tiny atmosphere

42% oxygen
29% soduim
22% hidrogen
6.0% heluim
1% others


2013년 12월 17일 화요일

Our king, the Sun's characteristic

 Let's know about our king the Sun. Sun and Earth's distance is 150000000km Sun's mass is very big. Sun's greavity is so powerful that it can makes planets to turn the Sun. The sun's mass is 99.8% of whole solar system's mass. In morning, we can see bright sun over the sky. If sun doesn't exist, we can't live. Let's learn about Sun's characteristic.

1.Sun's orbit's characteristic

 Sun turns the center of milkiway 0.2 billions day a once. Its orbital speed is 217km/s.

2.Sun's physical characteristic

Mass:1.9891×1030 kg(330000xEarth)
Mean diameter:1,392,684 km(200xEarth)
Volume:1.412×1018 km3        
Surface Area:6.0877×1012 km
Average density:1.408×103 kg/m
Sidereal rotation period:25.05 days
Rotation period at pole:34.4days

3.Sun's photospheric composition

2013년 12월 16일 월요일

The moon

 In night, we can see moon over the sky. We can't see many stars because of light pollution, but we can see bright moon. Moon is the Earth's one non-artificial satellite. Let's learn about moon's characteristic.

Full moon in the darkness of the night sky. It is patterned with a mix of light-tone regions and darker, irregular blotches, and scattered with varying sizes of impact craters, circles surrounded by out-thrown rays of bright ejecta.

1.Moon's orbit's characteristic

Orbital period:27days,7hours,43minutes
Synodic period:29days, 12hours, 44minutes

2.Moon's physical characteristic

Mean radius:1737km
Surface area:3.793 × 107 km2 
Volume:2.1958 × 1010 km3
Mass:7.3477 × 1022 kg 
Mean density: 3.3464 g/cm3
Minimum temperature:100K
Mean temperature:220K
Maximum temperature:230K


2013년 12월 15일 일요일

Our blue planet, Earth.

 We know Earth is round and Earth turns the Sun. 
 We lives in blue planet, Earth. Let's know about our home, Earth. 

1.Earth's orbit
  Earth turns the sun. How far earth to the sun? Earth's orbit's radius is about 150000000km, or 1AU. Earth's orbit is ellipse but it is nearly circle. Its eccentricity is about 0.016. Earth's Orbital period is about 365.24days, or1year. Earth's average skidding speed is about 29.8m/s.

2.Earth physical characteristics

A planetary disk of white cloud formations, brown and green land masses, and dark blue oceans against a black background. The Arabian peninsula, Africa and Madagascar lie in the upper half of the disk, while Antarctica is at the bottom.

Mass:5.97219×1024 kg

Radius:6,371.0 km

Volume:1.08321×1012 km3

Density:5.515 g/cm3

Lowest temperature:−89.2 °C

Average:15 °C

Highest temperature:56.7 °C

Surface pressure:101KPa

Compositon: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen 0.93% argon 0.04%carbon dioxide

2013년 12월 14일 토요일

How do we know Earth turns the sun?

 How do we know Earth turns the sun? We can't feel Earth turns the sun. Because human being can't feel Earth turns the sun, in 16th Century, most people believed Earth is center of cosmos. And let's know how do we know Earth turns the sun.
But, normal people can't feel Earth turns the sun. If you want to feel Earth turns the sun, you should observe sun and planets. And use data to prove Earth turns the sun.

1.Copernicus' observed data
 Why does Copernicus claim Earth turns the sun? He compared with his observed data to geocentrism. But it 
occured 8 ° error. So he compared to heliocentricism. It was 

accurate. But his data is professional,so we can't know about


2.Venus and Mercury

There is the sun, and there is the Earth. We saw, observed 

data of Venus,we can saw Venus is not more than 40 ° off to 

the Sun. So we can think Venus is located between the Sun 

and the Earth. Mercury is similar. But its angle is smaller than 

Venus. So we can think Mercury is located between the Sun 

and the Venus. And we can see Venus changes the shape 

like moon. If Venus turns the Earth, this phenomenon never 

occurs. So we can think Mercury and Venus turns the Sun.


Somedays, Mars is close and, somedays, Mars is far. SoMars 
turns the sun. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune is similar. So 
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune turn the sun, too. And let's prove Earth .

Sun's gravity makes planets turn the sun. So Earth turns the sun, too.

2013년 12월 13일 금요일

How do we know Earth is round?

 Everyone knows Earth is round. Most of the people can't fell Earth is round. Almostly, they feel Earth is square. (Everyone knows Earth is round) is only result of education. So how do we know Earth is round?

 Imagine that you are in port and one boat is going to horizon. And we can see that boat is a little bit going down. Earth is round, so we can see this scene.
2.Lunar Eclipse
 Do you know Lunar eclipse? Lunar eclipse is phenomena that when Sun-Earth-Moon is a straight line,Moon become obscured by  Earth's shadow. Earth's shadow's shape is round. So we can know Earth is round. 
3.Time difference
 Each place's time is different. When Korea's students go to school, London and Paris' children are sleeping. If Earth isn't round, at the same time sun is rise, and at the same time evening is coming. But each place's time is different. So we can know Earth is round. 
4. Questions
 And We may have some questions. Let's solve questions. 
1.If Earth is round, why we don't fall? 
Because of Earth's gravity.
2.Earth is turning fast. Why we don't thrown into space?
Because air is turnig same speed, too.
3.Why we can't feel Earth is round?
Because we are so small.

2013년 12월 12일 목요일

Families of Solar systmem

 Let's learn about families of solar system.
Firstly, there is king of solar system, the Sun. Sun's mass is 99.8% of whole solar system's mess. Its surfacs's temperature is about 6000 degrees Celsius. And we can see many black points on the sun's surface. It's called "Sunspots" Sunspot is area that cold than usual sun's surface.  Sunspots' temperature is about 4000 degrees Celsius. Sun's gravity makes planets to turn the Sun. Sun's gravitational field's radius is about 2 light-year.
태양 흑점 3단계 폭발
 There are 8 planets in solar system. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are 8 planets. Jupiter is the biggest planet in solar system. Saturn is 2nd, Uranus is 3nd, Neptune is 4nd(But Neptune is heavier than Uranus).
This is planets' mass porpotation graph.
Bluish green is Jupiter, orange is Saturn, brown is Neptune, pale blue is Uranus. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are rocky planet. It has a land that you can walk. Rocky planets are small and have big density.
And Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are called "Gas Giant" They are big and they are not rocky. They have lots of gas. So they don't have a land that you can walk. They have small density.

3.Dwarf planets
 Dwarf planets can keep sphere shape by its gravity, but it can't be planets. They are smaller than planets. Pluto is typical dwarf planets. Pluto was planet, but it changed to dwarf planets. Because one object that is heavier than pluto was discovered.(Eris). And many object that similar to Pluto were discovered. So we must add many palnets. So Astronomers made new level called "dwarf planet" How do we classify planets and dwarf planets? These are define of planet. If some object want to be a planet, it must satisfy does 3 conditions.

 1.Objects with true masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium (currently calculated to be 13 times the mass of Jupiter for objects with the same isotopic abundance as the Sun) that orbit stars or stellar remnants are "planets" (no matter how they formed). The minimum mass and size required for an extrasolar object to be considered a planet should be the same as that used in the Solar System.

 2.Substellar objects with true masses above the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are "brown dwarfs", no matter how they formed or where they are located.

 3.Free-floating objects in young star clusters with masses below the limiting mass for thermonuclear fusion of deuterium are not "planets", but are "sub-brown dwarfs" (or whatever name is most appropriate).

These are dwarf planets.

명왕성 - 명왕성과 명Pluto and its moon "Caron"
바다의 여신 세드나Cedna 
하우메아 HaumeaHaumea It's looks like a egg.
[TNO] 콰오아 - QuaoaQauoar
마케마케 (왜행성)MakeMake

세드나 크기 비교

4. Asteroids

Asteroids are very small. It can't keep sphere share. They are almostly gathered between Mars and Jupiters. It called "Asteroid belt"



Comet is consisted by dirty ice and rock. Representative comet is Halley's comet. It turns the Sun. Its orbit is ellipse. When it is near to the sun, it get a big and blue tail offside of the sun.

2013년 12월 11일 수요일

Structure of the cosmos

 Cosmos is very large. There are many blackholes, stars, galaxies, and planets. What is in our cosmos? How cosmos looklike? In the last post, I explain about structure of Solar system. And let's learn about structure of the cosmos. Many planets, many asteroids,  many moons, many comets, and one star consists One solar system. There are many solar systems in our cosmos. Many solar system consists One galaxy. This is our Galaxy "Milky Way"
우리 은하 - 소용돌이Solar systems turnscenter of galaxy.  Galaxies usually have blackhole in its center. Blacke hole's gravity is very strong, so galaxies do not break up. There are many galaxies in our cosmos. 

포터블 시스템으로 담(M31) 외부 은하 - 안드로메Andromeda)

 Many galaxies consist "Local groups of galaxies"
And there are many local groups of galaxies in our cosmos. Comsmos is very large. We can't see all of cosmos. Because cosmos is growing faster than light. May be our humans will go to these worlds!

Earth-Solar system-Galaxy-Local groups of galaxies-Cosmos


2013년 12월 10일 화요일

The structure of the solar system

 We can see the sun in the sky. Our Earth turns the sun.  Sun is very heavy. Many planets turns the sun. Sun and many objects that turns the sun called "Solar system" Solar system's center is the sun. Mercury is the closest to the sun. Venus is 2nd, Earth is 3rd, Mars is 4th, Jupiter is 5th, Saturn is 6th, Uranus is 7th, Neptune is 9th.  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars are rocky planet. It has a land that you can walk. Rocky planets are small and have big density.
And Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune are called "Gas Giant" They are big and they are not rocky. They have lots of gas. So they don't have a land that you can walk. They have small density.

우주 공간에서 보는 지
And there is no big planet over the Neptune. Astros that farther than Neptune called TNOs. Over the Neptune, there are Kuiper belt, and Oortclod. In kuiper belt there are many asteroids and dwarf planets. Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Eris, Sedna,Quaor are dwarf planets. Oort cloud is end of the solar system. Oort cloud is origin of long period  comet. Oort cloud's end is about 50000AU from the Sun. It's our Solar system.
(Oort cloud. www.newscientist.com)


2013년 12월 9일 월요일

Large Cosmos

  Our home is Earth. But maybe we won't stay in Earth. Population is increasing rapidly. And global warming is important problem. Our earth’s temperature is going up. 100 years later, Earth’s temperature will maybe go up 6 degrees. And we'll go to cosmos. Earth is narrow. We will go to Moon and Mars. So we should study and research about cosmos. And we should interested in cosmos. Our Earth is narrow. Earth’s equatorial radius is about 6300km. But Sun’s radius is 700000km. Sun’s radius is 109 times longer than Earth’s radius. And our Solar system’s radius is 50000AU. AU is 150000000km. And our galaxy’s radius is 100000 light-year. Light year is length that light going one year. Light’s speed is 300000km/s. 1 light-year is about 9000000000000km. Our cosmos is large. Our cosmos is swelling rapidly faster than ligth. So we can see only one part of the cosmos. If you are young, you will be explore the large cosmos

About me and this blog

 Hy. My name is Jangwon. I started this blog at 2013/12/9. I am korean so I can mistake in grammer. Please understand me. My blog’s name is “Traveling cosmos” Cosmos don't means a plant cosmos. It means the universe. Why cosmos means universe? Because cosmos means order. The universe is orderly. I lover cosmos. Because is beautiful and wonderful. I will write about Solar system, galaxy, blackhole and many Physics information. I will upload this blog once a day. If you visit my blog, you can know many knowledge about cosmos.
아름다운 우주(Beautiful cosmos)